Our Lower School (K-4) academic goals are guided by the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Reading, oral language, writing and math are key priorities and are taught by trained faculty in grade-appropriate 30-60 minute sessions. Small group lessons are conducted for all subjects in a structured, supportive environment.
“We feel so fortunate to have found Newton-- for the first time in my child's education, I feel truly confident in her school and its capabilities. From the small classes to field trips, movement, and social class, the school is equipped to provide a holistic curriculum. Even with a substantial commute, our child loves coming to school every day and the staff's communication and responsiveness support our whole family.
- Parents of a 4th grader
Our reading curriculum includes a variety of programs and activities, depending on students’ needs.
Students read a wide variety of materials to expand their knowledge and broaden their horizons. Students take regular trips to local libraries and read for 30 minutes each night as homework. Our writing curriculum incorporates Handwriting without Tears™ and a variety of supports to assist in letter and word formation. Students use graphic organizers and a structured process to assist in developing writing skills. Students write and type using laptop computers provided by the school. Math focuses on problem solving, using manipulatives and real life examples. The emphasis is on understanding concepts versus rote memorization.
“We feel like the luckiest parents in the world because we found The Newton School! I have seen such a huge difference in my son since we started. He's happier, more confident and learning new skills every day!”
— Mother to a Kindergartner
Science and social studies focus on increasing our student’s knowledge by using a wide variety of mediums to teach the information in an engaging way.
Each subject is taught in 2-4 week units that include field trips, experiments and hands-on activities. Recent field trips have included trips to the Capitol in Washington D.C., The Kennedy Center, The National Air and Space Museum, The Adventure Theater at Glen Echo, Planet Word, Balls Bluff Battlefield Park, and the Washington Monument.
“Our family loves The Newton School! The small class sizes allow the teachers to tailor class work and other assignments to match our son’s needs and abilities. Our son loves the extended physical activity and the weekly field trips. The teachers, staff, and Mrs. Abraham are exceptional in their commitment to all students and in their knowledge of a student’s unique strengths, interests, and challenges. As parents, we couldn’t be more pleased with The Newton School.”
— Mother of a third grader
Art, music, and yoga have professionals who teach each subject 1-2 times per week.
The Newton School provides Chromebooks for all students and uses Google Suite of products. The 30,000 square foot facility has wi-fi so students may access educational school programs or use the internet from any location in the building.